Saturday 13 June 2015

Special EBay Deal for Feedhammer Readers!

Hi All,

Apologies for the blatant plug - but if I can't publicise my own personal eBay sales on my own website - then there's something wrong with the world (and these servers don't pay for themselves! ;-)...

I'm selling off a few Fantasy bits and bobs on eBay at the moment - please see the photos and links below. 

The items are ending this weekend (and some early next week).

If anyone wins any bids and sends me a message to say they are a Feedhammer user - I'll refund the P&P (up to the value listed - which is the UK shipping cost).

Some of the stuff is bits and pieces I've picked up from bundle sales in the past, and some is my own gear. The beastman army I started back in 2006 when I got back into the hobby after a 20(?) year layoff. I'm also going to sell of the Warriors of Chaos stuff too

You can see the photos of it in action back in the day here:

I've decided to sell as I need the space basically. I've since started concentrating on WH40K and I'm painting up some consistent armies. These early armies were a bit mix and match and I think it's time for them to move on to a new home.... (and possibly help fund a new Bloodthirster.. ;-)

Thanks for looking!

More updates to Feedhammer in the pipeline - watch this space!

Beastman Gor Herd 

Glade Guard 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Long Time No Update!

Hi all,

Just a quick update from FeedHammer central... (it's been a while)

2013 has been a great year for FeedHammer - the platform has proved really stable - usage has been increasing at a constant rate on both the mobile and web platforms (I'll release some more detailed stats later).

I dipped my toe into the world of advertising - mainly Facebook - which has seen an increase of like for the Facebook page, and hopefully helped to spread the word a little about the app. Got more of this planned in the coming year (and if you haven't checked out the Facebook site yet - please give us a like!)

Had some more great reviews - added some more data feeds, and tweaked the website a little.

There wasn't much new feature development in 2013 - due mainly to changing jobs/location and having no internet for the last few months of the year.

However - all this will start to change in 2014 - as new features and improvements come on line. The main one is one I've been working on for a while - which is changing the whole data access layer from Spring JPA to pure Spring Data. While this will be invisible to anyone using the system (hopefully) - it does make the codebase a lot lighter and easier to develop moving forwards.

Once that's in place and deployed - I can focus on adding more features and functionality! Watch this space!

(and if there are any features you'd love to see - or have any feedback on things you like/don't like - please let me know!)


Monday 27 May 2013

FeedHammer 3.1 for Android Released!

Hi All,

The latest version of FeedHammer for Android is now released (the iOS updated version isn't available yet, but will be very soon).

Main changes are an upgrade to the latest version of the JQueryMobile/Phonegap frameworks, but there are also some new features, including:

  • Removed excess white space on lists (to fit more text in - was a bit cramped on small screens)
  • Photos list now displayed as a grid
  • New 'View by Category' option (searching and filtering will be improved more in upcoming releases - as we store everything in our database it opens up a lot of options for us to analyse all the news data!)
  • More blue!

Check out the new video of it in action here:

You can get it here - Google Play.

If you have any problems\complaints - please, please, please get in touch directly and I will work to get them resolved asap! (if you like/use the app - please do this rather than leaving a negative review - I do this in my spare time so don't have time to test as fully as I'd like and get releases out - so there may be some bugs to iron out)

If you like the app - please, please leave a positive review on Google Play.

And don't forget - we're now on Facebook - click here to view! We'll update here when new feeds are added or we have any news - please like us to keep in touch!


Tuesday 21 May 2013

FeedHammer on Facebook!

Hi All,

Just a quick update - things have been quiet for a while (well, aside from *finally* completely finishing painting my Ordo Malleus strike force), but just recently got back on the old FeedHammer pony...

Got a new version almost ready - no major changes, but a few improvements - new versions of the frameworks, a streamlined development process, general tidy up and a few new bits of functionality...

Sneak peek...

And also got together a Facebook page - hope to make more use of this in the future to raise awareness of the product, and give more updates on progress and developments.

If you're a Facebook user - please give us a Like! (The more we get, the more functionality we unlock and the more we can give back!)

And,  as ever - if you're an Android or iPhone user and enjoy the app - please leave some positive feedback in the App Stores!

We're definitely getting a lot of use - I've also been spending the day improving my stats gathering - will start posting more details of progress and usage - and new feature ideas as they come online!

Thanks for your support - more to follow!

Monday 11 February 2013

I Need Your Feedback - Please!

Hi Folks,

I've just had a one star review on Google Play from a disgruntled Android user:

"Was cool now sucks, closes after erroring continually The old version rocked, since the update it sucks"

In my testing there have been a few minor issues, but no showstoppers - and most of them have had fixes released over the last week or so.

I've never had any crashes - so it's difficult for me to replicate these more severe issues

I just don't know how widespread it is - how many people have a similar problem?

I would be really grateful if you could give me any feedback - good or bad - directly via any of the routes below:

Email : adrian 'at'
Website Contact Form :
Website Support Forum :!forum/feedhammer

It would be really great if you could let me know your thoughts:

    •    It's good - could be better (how?)
    •    It's rubbish - why?
    •    It doesn't work - why? what version of android/device do you have? What are you doing when it breaks?
    •    It's great - keep up the good work! ;)
    •    The old version was better/worse 

Really - any feedback is helpful!

If you don't like the new version - let me know and I can either fix/change, or revert to the old version - the more info you can give me the better. One line reviews on Google Play really don't help me improve it!

I look forward to your emails! Please help me make it better!

Saturday 9 February 2013

FeedHammer on iOS! And new Android updates!

Hi All,

We are very pleased to announce the first release of FeedHammer on iPhone and iPad. You can download from free from here:

We have also been hard at work investigating a few small issues and bugs that have been raised on the new Android app. We try and fix and release patches as quickly as possible for these.

We have just released 3.0.4 on the Google Play store. This fixes the issues with viewing Videos, ad adds a 'Share This' option. Available to download free from here:

Thanks for your continued support - if you do spot any issues - please contact me directly rather than leaving negative reviews on the App Stores - I do try and get fixes out asap!

And if you like the app - please, please do leave a positive review! :-)

Thursday 31 January 2013

Teething Troubles!

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the new version of the app - I've just had my first feedback today from qurgh on the FeedHammer web site:

Qurgh raises some good issues (and thanks for contacting me directly!). I've done a quick fix of 2 of them and released a new version onto the Play Store - 3.0.2 (it should be available in the next few hours):

I've also now set up some software to track these, and future errors/enhancements as they crop up. You can view the issue that have already been raised here:

JIRA FeedHammer Issue Tracker

Just to cover each of Qurghs issues:

"App resets to the first screen when the phone is rotated"
  • The latest version (3.0.2) should fix this

"why does the app need phone access permissions? I see no reason for an app of this nature to have permissions to be able to grab my phone number, check my phone call status or make calls as me"
  • This was a mistake on my part - when I set up the permissions I added this by mistake (READ_PHONE_STATE) when I was adding READ_NETWORK_STATE (which is needed to check the connection).
  • I have now removed this permission in 3.0.2

"There is no way to copy or share URLs"
  • I'll look into this - I was going to add the 'Share it' links from the website - but they would just mean more stuff to download to the mobile device, which I wanted to avoid initially. I'll look into this more (and also some native Android share it options)

"App crashes randomly"
  • I haven't seen this in my testing - but will test some more and monitor the crash alerts from Google to try and troubleshoot what the problem is

"Lots of lag when scrolling the feed lists"
  • Again - I haven't noticed this yet (seems pretty quick on my testing). Is this on any connection (WIFI?) or just on 2G/3G connections? I'll see if I can replicate it

"Instead of using a built in browser, can you give us the option to use an external browser for web links and the youTube app for youTube links?"
  • Any links using the buttons ('Read Full Article') - should open the external browser. I have noticed some issues where the articles themselves contain links - which if you click will open in the internal browser (which I guess is what you mean). This is a bit tricky as I might need to do some extra parsing of the HTML I pull down from the external feeds to add in some extra HTML - unless I can intercept these calls at a global level. I will look into it

I've added issues in the JIRA software for all of these issues - so I can track progress on them all:
JIRA FeedHammer Issue Tracker

If anyone has any more issues/requests/feedback - please let me know directly - either via email, the web site, or the Google group 

Thanks again for the feedback (and for making it directly to me) - it helps to make the product better! I hope to have more new releases very soon - watch this space!