Saturday, 13 June 2015

Special EBay Deal for Feedhammer Readers!

Hi All,

Apologies for the blatant plug - but if I can't publicise my own personal eBay sales on my own website - then there's something wrong with the world (and these servers don't pay for themselves! ;-)...

I'm selling off a few Fantasy bits and bobs on eBay at the moment - please see the photos and links below. 

The items are ending this weekend (and some early next week).

If anyone wins any bids and sends me a message to say they are a Feedhammer user - I'll refund the P&P (up to the value listed - which is the UK shipping cost).

Some of the stuff is bits and pieces I've picked up from bundle sales in the past, and some is my own gear. The beastman army I started back in 2006 when I got back into the hobby after a 20(?) year layoff. I'm also going to sell of the Warriors of Chaos stuff too

You can see the photos of it in action back in the day here:

I've decided to sell as I need the space basically. I've since started concentrating on WH40K and I'm painting up some consistent armies. These early armies were a bit mix and match and I think it's time for them to move on to a new home.... (and possibly help fund a new Bloodthirster.. ;-)

Thanks for looking!

More updates to Feedhammer in the pipeline - watch this space!

Beastman Gor Herd 

Glade Guard 

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