Monday, 27 May 2013

FeedHammer 3.1 for Android Released!

Hi All,

The latest version of FeedHammer for Android is now released (the iOS updated version isn't available yet, but will be very soon).

Main changes are an upgrade to the latest version of the JQueryMobile/Phonegap frameworks, but there are also some new features, including:

  • Removed excess white space on lists (to fit more text in - was a bit cramped on small screens)
  • Photos list now displayed as a grid
  • New 'View by Category' option (searching and filtering will be improved more in upcoming releases - as we store everything in our database it opens up a lot of options for us to analyse all the news data!)
  • More blue!

Check out the new video of it in action here:

You can get it here - Google Play.

If you have any problems\complaints - please, please, please get in touch directly and I will work to get them resolved asap! (if you like/use the app - please do this rather than leaving a negative review - I do this in my spare time so don't have time to test as fully as I'd like and get releases out - so there may be some bugs to iron out)

If you like the app - please, please leave a positive review on Google Play.

And don't forget - we're now on Facebook - click here to view! We'll update here when new feeds are added or we have any news - please like us to keep in touch!


Tuesday, 21 May 2013

FeedHammer on Facebook!

Hi All,

Just a quick update - things have been quiet for a while (well, aside from *finally* completely finishing painting my Ordo Malleus strike force), but just recently got back on the old FeedHammer pony...

Got a new version almost ready - no major changes, but a few improvements - new versions of the frameworks, a streamlined development process, general tidy up and a few new bits of functionality...

Sneak peek...

And also got together a Facebook page - hope to make more use of this in the future to raise awareness of the product, and give more updates on progress and developments.

If you're a Facebook user - please give us a Like! (The more we get, the more functionality we unlock and the more we can give back!)

And,  as ever - if you're an Android or iPhone user and enjoy the app - please leave some positive feedback in the App Stores!

We're definitely getting a lot of use - I've also been spending the day improving my stats gathering - will start posting more details of progress and usage - and new feature ideas as they come online!

Thanks for your support - more to follow!